0,00 kr

Spalock also called thermolock

Hos Kuben kan du köpa marknadens bästa spalock, ibland även kallat termolock, tillverkade för att tåla det nordiska klimatet. Sannra spalock har hög densitet och tjocklek på 127 mm med ett fodral av premium marin vinyl. Locken finns i flera färger, ljusgrått, grått, svart, brunt och valnöt.  De vanligaste modellerna finns normalt på lager för omgående leverans. Vi specialtillverkar även lock på måttbeställning till de flesta spabad på marknaden.  

Find the right spalock right here!

Enter the dimensions of your spa and quickly find your new spa cover for immediate home delivery.

Start by choosing the shape of your hot tub

Rectangular / Square


A-Side (mm)
B-Side (mm)
Horn radius (mm)
Diameter (mm)

Our spalock


Vi har lock på lager till de flesta fabrikat på den svenska marknaden. Våra lock är byggda för att klara vind, regn och kyla i många år. Ett tungt snötäcke ska inte kunna deformera locket samtidigt som regnvatten ska rinna av automatiskt.

Ett spalock ska vara så smidigt och lätthanterligt som möjligt samtidigt som det isolerar maximalt och minimerar uppvärmningskostnaden.

Based on the above criteria in combination with our almost 20 years of experience of hot tubs, we have continuously developed what has resulted in one of the market's absolute highest quality and popular Spalock.

Vi bygger således våra lock med största noggrannhet i alla detaljer och lämnar därför 2 Års Garanti.

Home delivery takes 1-3 days and is done with DHL and of course we have open purchase 30 days. Read more.

Spalock 215 x 215 R=15.2 mm Grey for Artesian, Catalina and K-rauta etc.
sannraweb e1558356617295

How do I measure my hot tub?

  • OBS! Mät alltid på badet och ej på ert gamla lock. Information om hur du mäter får du efter vald typ av spalock.
  • A spa cover can always be a little bigger than the spa. An extra couple of centimetres just makes it easier to place on the spa.
  • The lid of a spa can therefore always have a smaller radius than the spa.
  • The skirt also hangs down 120 mm so any overhang is rarely visible.

Key buying tips for buying a cover for your hot tub

Product sheet and specification.

Construction details

Thickness of insulation block highest part
The thickness (cut) and high density provide good insulating properties.
5 inches (about 127 mm) is a good value, which still keeps the weight of the lid manageable.
Thickness of insulation block lowest part
Should be slightly lower than the highest point to allow for water run-off. 4 inches (approx. 102 mm).
Density of insulation blocks
The higher the density the better. 25 kg / m³ is a good value.
Reinforcement of the centre section
Steel superior to aluminium in strength and torsional rigidity. 2 x galvanised steel U-beam.
Placed by reinforcement
Avoid recessed reinforcements that can easily damage the vapour barrier. Embedded in the insulation block.
Type of vapour barrier
Plastic film coated with aluminium. Superior moisture and chemical barrier. Vacuum sealed, and hot welded.
Insulation in the centre joint

Often there are only 2 small cushions at the outer edge of 
the centre joint of a spalock, which means unnecessary heat losses.
Case material

Fodralet till locken tillverkas av Premium Marinvinyl . 
Swedish Guarantee

2 years Guarantee according to specification
Open purchase

30 days
Shipping cost

Free home delivery with DHL

1 - 3 days

Learn more about our hot tub covers

Constructions consists of insulating blocks with a density of 25 kg per cubic metre and is reinforced by a galvanised steel U-beam (steel is superior to aluminium in strength and torsional rigidity) embedded in the insulating block so that it cannot damage the moisture barrier. The moisture barrier is in turn vacuum-sealed, hot-welded and made of aluminium-coated plastic film.

The function of the vapour barrier and importance of a spalock is worth commenting on further. One of the most common problems with spalock is that the vapour barrier fails and the cover takes in water and soon weighs 150 kg. The vapour barrier is therefore extremely important. We therefore decided to offer the most reliable vapour barrier on the market and we are convinced that we have now achieved this.

The moisture barrier is made of Mylar, which is a material made of specially treated polyester and aluminium foil. The cost of this material alone represents more than 15% of the total cost of the cover, but it's worth it! Ask our 1000s of satisfied customers over the years!

Marine vinyl which wraps the entire structure is of the highest quality and is anti-UV and anti-mildew treated at the factory. Finally, for maximum durability, the joint of the vinyl is insulated along the entire length of the spalock with 2 small and one long pad to create durability and minimise heat loss.

Order measurements

We produce customised lids in all shapes and sizes. 

Kvadratiska, rektangulära, runda eller ovala spalock, lock med ett eller flera huggna hörn. Har du en korrekt ritning så kan du måttbeställa ditt lock hos kuben.se. Vi tillverkar locket exakt efter din ritning i samma fantastiska kvalitet som våra lagerhållna standardlock. Räkna med ca. 10-12 veckors leveranstid. För ett kvadratiskt eller rektangulärt lock är det endast A-sidan, B-sidan samt hörnradien som vi behöver för att offerera.  

Click here to get in touch with us regarding Customised Spalock. Först då locket levereras ut från vårt lager så går en signal till Klarna som skickar en faktura, 14 dgr netto, till dig. Detta innebär att du haft locket i ca 10 dagar innan det är dags att betala. Tryggt för dig. 

Spalock ovalt 2335cm x 1820mm grått Tillverkningsvara
Heavy duty spalock

Snow, ice or water on the spalocket?

The spalock has a slope that allows water to drain automatically. A smaller slope from side to side contributes to this effective drainage function. Snow and ice are best removed manually. However, don't panic if some snow remains on the lid. The spalock is robustly constructed. See picture; "a picture says more than 1000 words"?

Of course, we do not recommend that a spa cover be subjected to unnecessary stress and that you walk on it unnecessarily, or place heavy objects on top of it. Quite the contrary. But with the picture above, we still want to highlight the fact that there is a difference in construction and quality between a spa cover from Sannra and Kuben.se. A good spa cover should perform well for a long time.

bottom hub

The base fabric

The bottom fabric is an additional protective layer on the underside of a spalock. The primary purpose of the fabric is to protect both the insulation block and the vapour barrier against harmful chemicals and, not least, cracks. The construction should of course also last a long time so that the spalock does not need to be replaced within just a few years. With these criteria in mind, we have chosen to manufacture our Sannra lids with a premium solution in the form of a multi-laminated vinyl base, which we are extremely satisfied with. It takes a relatively large external impact on the lid for an unwanted tear to appear on the spalocket. Original lids and cheaper aftermarket lids rarely offer this type of construction, but usually consist of a marine vinyl that over time deteriorates significantly in performance when in contact with the spa water.


Sömmarnas kvalitet påverkar, av naturliga skäl, lockets livslängd. Våra spalock är konstruerade med en dubbeltvinnad polyestertråd som i princip är ”outtröttlig”. Vid val av billigare konstruktioner och materialval finns risk att handtag och sömnad ger med sig med tiden. Oro för liknande missöden är obefogad vid köp av våra Sannra™-spalock.


Our YKK manufactured zips on the Sannra™ spa lid are designed for heavy duty products. These heavy-duty zips are resistant to corrosion, rust and resist contact with chemicals from the spa.


Vi har lagerhåller huvudsakligen Spalock i färgerna grått, svart, brunt samt ljusgrått. Vid måttbeställning går det givetvis att välja valfri färg. Leveranstiden på måttbeställda lock är ca. 3 månader under normala omständigheter. 



Light grey

Light grey






Dark brown

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Do not hesitate to contact Kuben.se on 018-240900 or via email at [email protected]! We look forward to you contacting us with your questions and concerns.