Sunwac 12, effective chlorine tablets

319,00 kr

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100 chlorine tablets SunWac 12 as provides clean, fresh and bacteria-free water in your spa. With Sunwac 12 you simplify the care of your spa because SpaCare SunWac 12 is a well-balanced and fast-dissolving chlorine tablet. As a result, you get clear and bacteria-free bathing water quickly and efficiently. Wellness and cleanliness in one product.

Before bathing, add two SunWac 12 tablets per 1000 litres of bathing water.

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SpaCare SunWac 12 

With Sunwac 12 you simplify your spa care because SpaCare SunWac 12 is a well-balanced and fast-dissolving chlorine tablet. As a result, you get clear and bacteria-free bathing water quickly and efficiently. Wellness and cleanliness in one product.

Instructions for use

SunWac 12
Spacare Sunwac 12

Before bathing, add two SunWac 12 tablets per 1000 litres of bath water. You can advantageously put the tablets in the dirt separator when the water circulation is running. Then switch on the water massage at the lowest speed. You can then bathe as soon as the tablets have dissolved, which takes about 5 minutes.

After you have finished bathing, add one tablet per 1000 litres of bathing water to post-disinfect and as a result you will have clear and bacteria-free bathing water that you can swim in after about 20 minutes.

Recommended values

Always be careful with the dosage and also check and adjust the chlorine, pH and alkali levels regularly to the recommended values:
Chlorine content 1,0-3,0 mg/l;
Alkalinity 80-120 mg/l.
pH 7.0-7.4;

Regularly checking and regulating the pH value of your pool has a major impact on how your bathing water will turn out. An excellent and affordable digital measuring instrument is  Scuba 2. 

For help with dosing the chemicals correctly, click here:
SpaCare spa chemistry calculator

Maintenance proceduresspacar small logo

You have to maintain your spa and Spacare has a very good instruction that you can read if you click on the SpaCare logo.

Shock chlorination

When using the Sunwac 12 in the spa, you can add SpaCare MiniChlor or SpaChock at any time for shock chlorination and as a result, you get clear and bacteria-free bathing water.

You should change the bathing water regularly and clean the spa at the same time. You should use SpaCare Biofilm Cleaner to clean the built-in pipework. Do this 3-4 times a year. After cleaning, take the opportunity to change the filters or clean them thoroughly.

Clean filter cartridges frequently or buy cleanable filters.

You should clean the dirty filter cartridge at regular intervals. Remove the filter from the container and rinse off any visible dirt that you see between the lamellae. After flushing, place the filter cartridge in a container and add filter cleaner according to the dosage instructions on the packaging.
After soaking in the solution for at least 12 hours, remove the filter and rinse it thoroughly under clean water. Now you have a cleaned spa filter ready for use.

For more spa care advice, see if you click here.

Weight 0,98 kg



