SpaCare SpaChock Granular 1kg Chlorine free

329,00 kr

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Spachock Granular

SpaCare SpaChock is a chlorine-free shocking agent that quickly gives you clean and safe bathing water.

SpaCare SpaChock is a chlorine-free shocking agent that you should use to oxygenate and disinfect cloudy bathing water and as a result, you can safely swim again after a short time.

You should choose Spa Chock if you want a chlorine-free and quick shock treatment that is also odourless. After you have treated with Chock, you can swim again after only 5 minutes.

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Spachock Granular

SpaCare SpaChock is a chlorine-free shocking agent that you should use to oxygenate and disinfect cloudy bathing water and as a result, you can safely swim again after a short time.

You should choose Spa Chock if you want a chlorine-free and quick shock treatment that is also odourless. After you have treated with Chock, you can swim again after only 5 minutes.

Operating instructions SpaCare SpaChock

So you add SpaChock Granular directly to the dirt separator when the water circulation is running and then switch on the water massage at the lowest speed. You can already bathe after 5 minutes after adding SpaChock.
When adding new water, add 30 ml of Spa Chock per 1000 litres of water. For daily bathing, add 10 ml of Spa Chock Granules per 1000 litres of water. If the water after bathing is to remain unused until the next day or even longer, add 30 ml of SpaChock per 1000 litres of water for post disinfection of the bath water.

Follow the important rule for good and clear bathing water: always shower thoroughly before bathing. An unshowered person carries 200 times more pollution than a showered person.

Recommended values

You should therefore pay close attention to the dosage of spa chemicals and you should also regularly check and adjust the chlorine, pH and alkali levels to the recommended values:
Chlorine content 1,0-3,0 mg/l;
pH 7.0-7.4;
Alkalinity 80-120 mg/l.

Maintenance procedures SpaChock

Every time you get cloudy water in your spa, you can use the SpaChock. Spacare has a very good instruction on maintenance procedures, click here.

Shock chlorination

When using SpaCare products in your spa, you can add SpaCare MiniChlor or SpaChock at any time for shock chlorination and as a result you have clear and bacteria-free bathing water.

If you want to read more about care advice for hot tubs then click here.

Weight 1 kg

