SpaCare CoverCare Box

449,00 kr

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It's not just the spa itself that needs regular care. It also needs a spa cover if it is to stay beautiful for as long as possible.


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CoverCare Box

If you want a spalock that lasts longer, you should use the products in the CoverCare Box because the products clean and impregnate the spalock. As a result, you will have a better functioning spalock that lasts longer.

Operating instructions CoverCare Box

First shake the bottle with Cover Cleaner thoroughly before spraying the cleaner on top of the spa lid. Then take a sponge or a soft brush and work and clean the surface of the lid. Next, wipe the surface of the lid thoroughly with a cloth and let the lid dry for a while before carrying out the next step.

Then it's time to shake up the package with the Cover Protect thoroughly before spraying Cover Protect over the surface to be protected. Finally, polish in the agent with a dry microfibre cloth.
spacar small logo.jpg

Store the CoverCare Box in a frost-free place and, like all spa chemicals, out of the reach of children.

Recommended values for hot tubs

You should therefore pay close attention to the dosage and also regularly check and adjust the chlorine, pH and alkali levels to the following recommended values:
Chlorine content 1,0-3,0 mg/l;
pH 7.0-7.4;
Alkalinity 80-120 mg/l.


You change the bathing water regularly and at the same time you clean the spa both inside and outside. For the inside, you use SpaCare Biofilm Cleaner to clean the built-in pipework. Repeat this 3-4 times a year. Remember to replace the filters after cleaning or clean them thoroughly, but it is not only the bath that needs care. Clean your spa lid with SpaCare Cover Cleaner and seal the lid with SpaCare Cover Protect.

Daily maintenance 

For the daily operation of the spa, you can advantageously have double filters. This means that you can quickly switch to clean filters. When using one cartridge as a filter, thoroughly clean the other filter with Filter Cleaner. After 1-2 weeks of use as a spa filter, replace the dirty cartridge with the cleaned filter.

Maintenance procedures

You have to maintain your spa and Spacare has a very good instruction manual that you can read, if you click here.

Weight 1,2 kg


Cleaning, Cleaning