SpaCare Beauty Polish 500 ml

149,00 kr

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If you think your hot tub has lost its finish, you can polish it up with Beauty Polish. The surfaces will be sealed and more dirt-resistant. The spa will also have a very nice and shiny surface.

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SpaCare Beauty Polish

If you think your hot tub has lost its finish, you can polish it up with Beauty Polish. The surfaces are refreshed and become sealed and more dirt-resistant.

Instructions for use SpaCare Beauty Polish:spacar small logo.jpg

If the dirt is stuck, first remove it with SpaCare Cleansing Cream. Then apply Beauty Polish evenly with a dry cloth. Then polish with a dry cloth.

basic advice:

  • When adding new water to the spa, start by measuring the pH balance. Always try to stay in the range of 7.0 - 7.4. The alkalinity should be 80-120 mg/l. If it is too low, add SpaCare Alca Up.
  • Use chlorine as a disinfectant in your spa. Cheapest and best. If you are allergic to chlorine, use Bromine.
  • Do not underdose. Don't be afraid of the chlorine, be afraid of the bacteria. Always dose according to the instructions on the package.
  • Make sure you take a good shower before bathing and thoroughly rinse off any soap residue on your body and swimwear.
  • Feel free to use Cleaning-free spa filters which keeps the water cleaner and makes it easier to care for your spa.
  • Change the water in the spa 3-4 times per year and at the same time clean the pipework with a special "pipe cleaner".
  • When changing the water, it is also advisable to clean the spalocket and treat the vinyl against weather, wind and UV radiation.

A very important rule for good and clear bathing water is to shower thoroughly before bathing. A non-showered person carries 200 times more pollution than a showered person.

Maintenance procedures

You need to maintain your hot tub and Spacare has a very good set of instructions, click here.

Shock chlorination

When using SpaCare products in your spa, you can add SpaCare MiniChlor or SpaChock at any time for shock chlorination and as a result you have clear and bacteria-free bathing water.


Weight 0,5 kg

