O-Care Spa Eco-Friendly

1 199,00 kr

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Box for 3-5 months. Managing water chemistry has never been easier.

O-Care Spa Weekly Care is a two-component product. for clear, silky and hygienically clean water. Box for 3-5 months. Managing water chemistry has never been easier. Clearer and softer water with up to 78% less chlorine or bromine for the disinfection effect. Used together with, for example SpaCare Tab Twenty.

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Water maintenance package O-Care

Box for 3-5 months. Managing water chemistry has never been easier.

O-Care Spa Weekly Care is a two-component product. for clear, silky and hygienically clean water. Box for 3-5 months. Managing water chemistry has never been easier. Clearer and softer water with up to 78% less chlorine or bromine for the disinfection effect. Used in conjunction with, for example SpaCare Tab Twenty.

Only add the 2 components to your spa water once a week using the supplied measure.
Your O-Care pack will last for 3 to 5 months (depending on the size of the spa).

Removing contaminants in the spa's pipework requires chemicals. O-Care protects and prevents contamination in the spa's pipework. No contamination (biofilm etc.) in the spa's pipework means you can use less chemicals and they do their job more efficiently.

The mix of high quality minerals and salts will leave your skin feeling soft and odourless.
You won't have to take a shower after bathing in your spa, which is very important when using only chemicals such as chlorine or bromine.

O-Care can reduce the amount of chemicals needed by up to 78% and still achieve clean water values.

The O-Care Weekly Spa Care package consists of:
- 2-litre bottle component 1
- 2-litre bottle component 2
- Measuring cups
- Instructions for use

Use the measuring cup to add the indicated amount from bottle 1 and bottle 2 to the spa water.

The perfect solution for hot tubs.


Click here for instructions

Weight 5 kg