DELPHIN pH-plus Granules, 1kg

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Delphin pH plus granules 1kg

PH Plus is used to keep your bathing water in balance. It is important that you measure the pH value at regular intervals - preferably at least once a week.

If the water has a pH value above 7.4, we recommend that you use pH Minus Granular, powder, to lower the pH value because high pH values result in poorer chlorine disinfection, skin irritation, lime precipitation and turbidity.

If the pH is below 6.9, add PH Plus Granules.



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Delphin pH plus granules 1kg

PH Plus is used to keep your bathing water in balance. It is important that you measure the pH value at regular intervals - preferably at least once a week.
If the water has a pH value of over 7.4, we recommend that you use pH Minus Granules, powder, to lower the pH value because a high pH value results in poorer chlorine disinfection, skin irritation, lime precipitation and turbidity. For pH below 6.9, PH Plus granules are used.

Instructions for use pH Plus

The pH value is measured with a pool tester/test strips. At pH 7.0-7.4 the water feels nice and comfortable when bathing.
If the pH is below 6.9, add PH Plus Granules.Chemoform Delphin 1.jpg

First dissolve the pH-Plus granules in a bucket of water in portions. NOTE! Add water to the bucket first! Then carefully add the solution to the pool drain, or even better, along the edge of the pool for the best effect. Do not add the solution near metal parts.

Dose according to the instructions on the jar.

Recommended values

You should therefore pay close attention to the dosage and also regularly check and adjust the chlorine, pH and alkali levels to the recommended values:
Chlorine 1,0-1,5 mg/l;
pH 7.0-7.4;
Alkalinity 80-120 mg/l.


The basis of good bathing water is the mechanical purification of the water. Make sure to clean the pool often and backwash the filter once a week (more often if necessary).

It is preferable to lower the PH value in batches in order to reach the optimum PH value. After calculating how much agent should be added, add half and then wait 30-45 minutes and take another measurement. Depending on what the water test shows, the remaining PH agent is then added.


Weight 1 kg


pH, Alka, Calcium