Test strips for Chlorine, AquaChek Yellow.

149,00 kr

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Test strips for chlorine in hot tubs. 50 sticks per pack. Free chlorine, pH, total alkalinity, and cyanuric acid (stabiliser).

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Chlorine test strips, AquaChek Yellow

AquaChek Yellow, Test strips for Chlorine. Very good Chlorine test strips from USA. 50 strips that measure free Chlorine, pH, alkalinity and cyanuric acid (stabiliser).

Ideal value Adjust with
the pH value 7,0 - 7,4 pH Plus, pH Minus
Alkalinity value 80 - 120 mg/l (ppm) Alkalinity Up, Alka Down
Chlorine 1.0 - 3.0 mg/l (ppm) Chlorine


1. Dip the test stick into the water and pick it up immediately.

2. Hold the stick for 15 seconds (do not shake off excess water from the stick).

3. Compare pH, free chlorine, total alkalinity and stabiliser (in that order) with the colour scale. For best results on the stabilisation test (cyanuric acid), pH should be between 7.0-8.4 and total alkalinity should be below 240 ppm.

Important: Close the package tightly between uses. Store at room temperature.

basic advice:

  • When adding new water to your spa, start by measuring the pH balance. Always try to stay in the range of 7.0 - 7.4. 
  • Use chlorine as a disinfectant in your spa. Cheapest and best. If you are allergic to chlorine, use Bromine.
  • Do not underdose. Don't be afraid of the chlorine, be afraid of the bacteria. Always dose according to the instructions on the package.
  • Make sure you take a good shower before bathing and thoroughly rinse off any soap residue on your body and swimwear.
  • Feel free to use Cleaning-free spa filters which keeps the water cleaner and makes it easier to care for your spa.
  • Change the water in the spa 3-4 times per year and at the same time clean the pipework with a special "pipe cleaner".
  • When changing the water, it is also advisable to clean the spalocket and treat the vinyl against weather, wind and UV radiation.
Weight 0,1000 kg


Test equipment