Aquachek Red - Measures bromine in hot tubs

159,00 kr

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Test strips for bromine in hot tubs

Tests total bromine in outdoor swimming pools. 50 sticks per pack.

Bromine, Total Alkalinity, Total Hardness and pH.

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AquaChek Red - Measures Bromine in hot tubs

Very good test sticks for Brom from USA 

Tests total Bromine, pH and Alkalinity in hot tubs.
50 sticks per pack.


1. Dip the test stick into the water and pick it up immediately.
2. Hold the stick for 15 seconds (do not shake off excess water from the stick).
3. Compare hardness, bromine, alkalinity and pH (in that order) with the colour scale on the package.

Weight 0,5 kg


Test equipment