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How to treat green water in your pool? A step-by-step guide


Technical problems:

  1. Poor filtration: Improper filtration due to pump problems or clogged filters is responsible for up to 80 % of the water turning green. In addition, too short a filtration time can upset the water's balance and lead to green colouration before algae can even develop. It is therefore important to have accurate information on the necessary filtration time to ensure an efficient water treatment process.

  2. Too little maintenance: Leaves, sand, pollen... Outdoor pools easily accumulate dirt, which can affect the water's balance and disinfection effect. It is therefore necessary to regularly check and clean the pool to maintain its optimal condition.

  3. The human factor: The number of bathers in a pool also affects water quality. Sunscreen, sweat and other organic dirt from bathers can quickly contaminate the water. A simple rinse before swimming can help prevent rapid changes in water quality.

How to restore crystal clear pool water?

When water starts to turn green, it is important to act quickly to avoid costly chemical treatments. To eliminate algae and restore water clarity, the following steps should be followed:

  1. Balance the pH: Keep the pH between 7 and 7.4, because algae thrive less in acidic water. Regular monitoring and adjustment of the pH level is essential to prevent algal growth. Click here to go to PH-plus and PH-minus. 

  2. Check the chlorine level: Chlorine is an important disinfectant that helps prevent algal growth. Make sure the chlorine level is between 0.7 and 1.2 ppm (for stabilised chlorine) or between 0.4 and 0.7 ppm (for non-stabilised chlorine). Click here to buy chlorine for your pool. 

  3. Activate filtration and clean filters: Clean the filter at least once a week and activate the filtration continuously to remove particles and algae from the water.

  4. Use algicides: For more severe algal growth, the use of algicides may be necessary to effectively control algae and restore water clarity.

Green water without algae:

If the water is green without visible algae growth, the problem may be due to a chemical imbalance or too high a pH value. The following steps are recommended to restore water clarity:

  1. Adjust the pH and water hardness: Check and adjust the pH and water hardness to restore chemical balance and optimise water quality.

  2. Run continuous filtration: Activate the filtration to continuously purify the water and remove particles and impurities.

  3. Use shock treatment: If necessary, shock treatment can be used to quickly eliminate organic matter and restore water clarity.


Protecting your pool water from the sun's UV rays

To ensure your pool water remains crystal clear and balanced, it is important to regularly monitor and adjust the pH value. In case of any deviation from the optimal range, it may be necessary to add shock chlorine to restore clarity, or simply use a pH correcting product such as pH+ or pH-. After adding the product, activate the filtration and follow the simple rule: halve the water temperature to determine the filtration time. If the water is still not optimally clear after filtration, consider using a flocculant while continuing the filtration.

If your pool is exposed to strong sunlight, the problem of cloudy water is likely to recur throughout the season. To prevent rapid deterioration of water quality, it is important to protect the water as much as possible by using umbrellas and shade sails. This will not only protect the water from UV radiation but also reduce the risk of bacterial growth.

Treatment after rain or storm

After a heavy rainfall, it is important to immediately measure and adjust the pH of the water, as rainwater can alter the pH balance. In addition, you should measure the water's alkalinity (TAC) and ORP, which indicates the water's level of disinfection. A good tool for water analysis can be a useful tool to continuously monitor the disinfection level of water.

Good to know about pool water treatment

Regular pool maintenance reduces the need for water changes and maintains optimal water quality throughout the season. Follow our simple tips to take care of your pool step by step and enjoy clear and clean water all summer long!